Articles on: Help Center Inbox


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How to access Analytics from the main mailbox window

How to check history review and manage past interactions

How to access Analytics from the main mailbox window

You can access Analytics from the main mailbox window - the blue ”Analytics” icon in the left bottom corner. Here you can find useful statistics about customer support activities in the Help Desk system:

1. Dashboard


Issues by channel: number of new tickets created during the selected date range

Average first response time


New tickets. All the new tickets in specific date range: IN + OUT + all the channels (Inbox / Chat / FB Messenger).

Messages received. All the new IN messages within the tickets - e.g., 1 ticket and 10 IN messages from the client.

Messages sent. All the new OUT messages and auto-responses are not included.

Archived tickets within the selected period.

Avg. time to archive. The archive times of the tickets for the selected date range.

Facebook Messenger ticket count resets every day at midnight.

Popular ticket tags: IN + OUT tickets with specific tags.

Agents: statistics about each agent's activities:

Tickets archived: all the tickets archived by a specific agent.

Avg. first response time: all the tickets which were assigned to a specific agent.

Messages sent: all the OUT messages sent by a specific agent.

Time active: counts all the time from Login to Logout.

2. Inbox Analytics


Overview: number of inbound, outbound, and archived tickets, average first response, first archive time.

Tickets received: all the new and archived tickets.

Inboxes: new, reopened, archived IN + OUT tickets, messages per ticket.

New tickets: IN + OUT tickets, without auto-responses and empty chat tickets.

Reopened tickets: IN + OUT tickets which were reopened during the date range.

Archived tickets:IN + OUT tickets that were archived during the date range.

Messages per ticket: doesn't count auto-response messages.

Distribution of new tickets: IN + OUT tickets in different channels except for empty chat tickets.

Agents: more detailed information about particular agent activities: number of assigned, sent, forwarded, and archived tickets.

Assigned: counts all the tickets that have been assigned to an agent.

Sent: doesn't count drafts and OUT messages with sending errors.

Forwarded: all the tickets were assigned to a specific agent and forwarded the ticket to a different email address.

Archived: counts all the tickets which are archived and assigned to a specific agent.

Avg. Time to first response: all the tickets assigned to a specific agent. Doesn't count auto-response messages.

Avg. time to archive: all the archived tickets assigned to specific agents. E.g., if received a ticket on 06 02 10 am, archived on 06 02 5 pm - archive time is 7 hours. Then the ticket is reopened on 06 05 and archived on 06 07 -> agents still see the First archive time (7 hours).

* Log in time: counts the time from Login to Logout. The count resets at 23.59h GMT +2.

3. Analytics data export

Possibility to export analytics data:

How to check history review and manage past interactions

The History section in the Help Desk system allows you to review and manage past interactions. It includes several components:

Sent: View all the emails and messages that have been sent. Check the status of sent messages and resend if needed.

Ticket Logs: Access detailed logs of all ticket activities, providing a complete history of changes and updates.

Archived: Find tickets that have been resolved and archived. This helps in maintaining a clean and organized inbox.

Trash: Review and restore deleted tickets if necessary. This ensures that important communications are not permanently lost.

Updated on: 18/06/2024

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