Articles on: Help Center Inbox

Working With Inbox

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How to work with Help Center App Inbox

How to work with Help Center App Inbox 👍

All: This section displays all tickets across different communication channels. It provides a comprehensive view of every ticket, regardless of its source, ensuring that no ticket goes unnoticed.

Live Chat: This section is dedicated to tickets generated from live chat interactions. It allows you to view and respond to real-time customer queries, ensuring prompt support and resolution.

Messenger: This section manages tickets that come from various messenger platforms. It enables you to handle customer communications from services like Facebook Messenger, ensuring you stay connected with your audience through their preferred messaging apps.

Facebook: This section focuses on tickets that originate from Facebook interactions. It allows you to handle comments, messages, and other forms of communication from Facebook, integrating social media customer service into your Help Desk.


Viewing Tickets in Progress

In Progress Tab: Navigate to the "In Progress" tab to view tickets that are currently being worked on.

Selecting a Ticket: Click on a ticket in the list to open and read its details.

Assigning Tickets

Assign to an Agent: Click on the "Unassigned" dropdown at the top of the ticket. Select the appropriate agent from the list to assign the ticket.

Confirm Assignment: The ticket will then show as assigned to the chosen agent.

Self-Assign: To assign the ticket to yourself, click the "Assign to me" button at the bottom of the ticket view.

Confirm Assignment: Ensure the ticket shows as assigned to you in the agent dropdown list.

Adding Internal Comments

* Internal Comments: Use the internal comment box at the bottom of the ticket to leave notes for other agents.

Tagging Colleagues: Tag colleagues using the @ symbol to notify them of your comment.

Viewing Customer Information

Customer Details: On the right side of the ticket, view the customer's contact information and order count.

Communication History: Below the contact info, see the history of emails and previous interactions with the customer.

Responding to Tickets

Compose a Response: Use the message box at the bottom of the ticket to type your response.

Send the Message: Click the "Send" button to reply to the customer. Ensure your message is clear and addresses the custom

Updated on: 18/06/2024

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